Free to Wonder
Life is full of uncertainties. Even faith can feel uncertain, at times.
While we don’t have all the answers, we believe God calls us to wonder. And in that wondering, we can navigate the joys and surprises of life and faith together firm in the knowledge that God walks with us.
We also believe God calls us to love and value each other for who we are. No matter what you’re wrestling with, we welcome you. Explore with us and experience the awe and wonder of God’s love.
Who are we? According to our mission statement:
We are a vibrant, multi-generational faith community who embrace the inclusive love of God. We invite children and youth to question, learn, and lead in worship alongside us. Together we explore the gospel to connect it to our everyday life.
We meet at the intersection of faith and life. We experience God’s love and grace through worship, music, learning, care, and generosity, and extend that to the community around us.
We affirm the worth of all. We support each other on our individual spiritual journeys. Led by Christ and inspired by our Presbyterian tradition, we walk toward our future with hope and an openness to change as we navigate the road ahead.
We’re excited to walk alongside you on the journey of wonder. We hope to see you soon. We’ll save you a seat.
The “Free to Wonder” Story
Ministry teams and staff worked tirelessly to describe who we are, who we have always been, and to find a thread to attach us to God’s story. Intense prayer and discernment made us realize we are God’s beloved children who are Free to Wonder.
Since 1850, we’ve been a congregation that freely asks questions:
Why are things the way they are?
How could they better match God’s vision?
How do we bring God’s good news to our community?
Everything you see around campus (mural, labyrinth, welcoming spaces, etc.), our programs (the 9:15 am Wonder Hour for all ages to wonder together, adult study groups, mission work, youth group, Day School, and more), and our logo all embrace our Free to Wonder identity.
“The FPCA logo honors our past and simultaneously alludes to a colorful future. Gazing through the window, we look directly into possibilities beyond the present. We see different paths unfolding before our feet, thus enabling us to pursue a life full of wonder!”