Children learn and grow in faith at FPCA. Kids here help lead the worship service weekly as well as on the Children’s Sabbath each year and make new friends at Vacation Bible School. Gather, sing, play, pray, and grow in God's love! Each week children discover God's stories through play, allowing them to experience faith the way they learn best. Young Families: Connect with others at Fellowship on the First. Check our calendar for upcoming events.
children in Worship
Children learn about worship by worshiping with their families and the congregation. Here, children actively participate in setting the communion table, lighting candles, pouring the baptismal water, taking communion, and welcoming new members of our family through baptisms. God put the wiggle in children - don’t feel that you need to suppress it. At FPCA, we believe all are welcome to be who they are in worship. Children’s worship bags are available for those who need quiet activities.
Godly Play during worship
Children ages 3 through kindergarten may go to Godly Play after the children’s message for the remainder of the service except on first Sundays when they return to join their families for communion. In Godly Play, children discover the stories of God and Jesus and are encouraged to respond through art and creative play.
SING in Worship
Maracas, bells, chimes, and voices … children make a joyful noise. Children sing in church, at concerts, at the Christmas pageant, and more while learning the importance of songs of praise in worship.
Nursery and Childcare
Even these little ones will see, hear, and experience God’s love. Our nursery is a cheery place to leave your children while you take time to worship, pray, and learn. Childcare is available from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm on Sundays.
Five fun things to do at First During the week
Meet a friend at our turquoise table for a snow cone.
Pick a book from our Little Free Library.
Bring your parent to the playground on a Saturday afternoon.
Walk the labyrinth with your family and learn about quiet spaces.
Draw something fun on our parking lot with sidewalk chalk.
Children and Mission
Serving as Christ’s hands extends from the oldest to the youngest. Sip cool lemonade at a stand to support hurricane victims, gather together to stuff hygiene bags and build flood cleanup buckets, or bring in a pair of socks to support the kids’ sock drive for the homeless. At FPCA, you are never too young to serve together and we never run out of opportunities.
Fun for kids During the Year
Kids extend Christ’s message to love one another and invite our community to share in fun activities like a spooktacular Trunk-or-Treat afternoon complete with a costume parade! Or join in an Easter egg extravaganza and come hunt thousands of eggs on the Saturday before Easter Sunday.
Pancake breakfast, parades with palms, and popsicles on the playground. There is always a friend to play with and a way to share God’s love.
Vacation Bible School
We’ve camped out, painted God’s great gallery, shared God’s light, kayaked down a rolling river, been superheroes for Jesus, and even gone to Mars and beyond. Vacation Bible School is a week packed with energizing music, games, drama, and bible stories, and reflects those lessons through art, song, and exercise! It teaches God’s love to kids and volunteers alike.
VBS is a blast for preschoolers through elementary ages while tweens join the fun with our service squad by helping during the week. It’s an all-church affair with decorating, welcoming, leading, praying, singing, and storytelling.